Sweet Basil Essential Oil...

Basil Oil is derived from the Basil or Sweet Basil plant, a perennial found in warm climates. It is native to Asia and has been used for thousands of years as medicine. Historically, Basil oil has been used for respiratory, digestive and kidney issues of all kinds. The oil comes from the leaf of the plant, is steam distilled and is grown in the United States.

Basilis refreshing, invigorating, meditative, a sacred oil from India where it is planted around sacred places to protect them against negative influences. The oil has very high eugenic content and should not be confused with Ocimum basilicum, the culinary basil that we are familiar with. So use it with caution and even then in very low concentrations for aromatherapy massage. The oil is wonderful for inhaling and in a room diffuser. It is a component in many Ayurvedic treatments, and has its main action as a support for the respiratory, immune and digestive systems. It blends well with citrus and floral oils. Basil is a pure therapeutic quality certified organic aromatherapy essential oil from India, obtained from the blossoms and plant.

Basil is a well-known cooking and garden herb and is part of the Labiateae Family in the plant kingdom. This makes it a relative of other well-known herbs such as Lavender, Thyme and Sage.

The essential oil of Sweet basil is extracted by steam distillation from all the above ground parts of the plant, but is concentrated primarily in the leaves. The oil is a light green color and has a refreshing odor like a mixture of thyme, peppermint and liquorices.

Basil, “the oldest herb,” is one of my favorites for cooking and health. Discover its balancing health benefits, its amazing history and trivia and many delicious recipes.

Basil is native to tropical Asia and India; it has been cultivated there for more than 5,000 years. Its name is derived from the Greek basileus which means king. It migrated westward as whole plants, since it could easily grow indoors away from frost exposure.

Today, basil is not only used as a seasoning, but also in perfume, incense and herbal remedies.

Benefit & Uses:Basil is wonderful to soothe the stomach and digestive issues. Basil tea after each meal will help ease symptoms of constipation, gastric catarrh, stomach cramps, enteritis, indigestion, vomiting, and will help increase appetite. It will relieve nausea and is used commonly to aid chemotherapy patients. Drinking a cup of basil tea after each meal can also help control blood sugar levels. Basil Essential Oil can be used to ease abdominal cramps, treat mouth ulcers, olfactory loss, and ease intestinal problems.

Basil is stimulating to the nervous system and helps wake up the brain, clearing the mind and helping concentration. Sniffing some essential oil or rubbing it on your feet or the back of the neck can ease headaches. It is effective against depression, hysteria, insomnia and anxiety. It can also increase endurance and stamina. Basil Essential Oil has also been shown to help treat Autism and increase focus for children. It can help reduce mental fatigue, migraines, insomnia from nervous tension and nervous depression.

Basil Essential Oil is commonly used in blends to ease congestion and cough. It works as an expectorant to loosen and remove mucous, and calms lung complaints like bronchitis, colds, influenza, whooping-cough, chronic colds and helps reduce fever. It is a wonderful oil to use on ear infections. It also helps improve blood circulation and reduce fevers.

Basil is wonderful in blends to help with sore muscles and back pain. It soothes muscles and promotes healing by increasing blood circulation to the area. It is a wonderful herb to have in the garden to repel bugs like flies, ants, and other creepy crawlies. It repels aphids, flies, fruit moths and mosquitoes. This makes it wonderful to add to insect repelling blends. It is also commonly used to treat snake bites, bee, hornet and wasp stings, mosquito stings, other bug bites, epidemics and malaria.


In some people basil can cause low blood sugar.

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